Those Changes I Mentioned

There will be a lot going on over the next few weeks. I officially gave notice at work and will be moving [a.k.a. making my way slowly] down to Portland around the end of January/beginning of February. I am excited about this decision and feel optimistic about the general direction my life is going in. But I am not really interested in any more stress and drama, so am trying to balance being proactive and persistent in following through with these plans while at the same time attempting to avoid making too many firm commitments or nailing down specific dates or things like that.

Currently I feel the theme for 2008 needs to be a restoration/pursuit of order, rhythm, balance, and peace in my life. Ideally, this will be accomplished by: taking a random trip to Hungary; returning sleep-deprived and jet-lagged to train my replacement at the job I just quit before moving to another state, unemployed and homeless, to start a new life; and diving deeper into a still-quite-new dating relationship. Good plan, eh? I thought so.


Matt Mikalatos said…
If by homeless you mean live with the Mikalatos family, I think that's an excellent plan.
Ashley L. said…
Only for you could this seem like a calm and restful change of plans. =) I am so excited for you. And since I'm not in Seattle anymore, I am totally fine with you moving to another state... otherwise I'd have to kick your butt. Seattle to Krasnodar... Portland to Krasnodar... I don't think the difference in mileage will be of much consequence. I miss you and am SO sad that I am going to barely miss you in Hungary. If you happen to be at the airport on the 18th at 11:15am, look for a flight from Vienna and I'll be there!
Alexis said…
You're right, Matt, it will be excellent. You know I'm just a drama queen so I have to exaggerate these things.

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